tirsdag 4. juni 2013

Interrail American Style - Day 7

We started our day by going to a coffee shop called Public Domain and they had $2 espresso shots from 11-12. Then we walked over to the food courts where one could buy many different meals from different parts of the world in cozy food carts. We ended up eating a Bratwurst from Germany :P

There is not that many tourist attractions in Portland but there is one thing you cannot miss: the roses. We traveled up to Washington Park, a big area one can hike in and it even got its own bus going in a loop because it is so big. In this park there are several things one can see and do and the roses are of course included. There is something called the International Rose Test Garden and it has around 600 different roses! It smelled soooo good :) After we had been there we went to see the Japanese Garden and it was almost like going to Japan! Beautifully done! Then we finished off our park visit by eating lunch in the rose garden (you have to bring your own because they don’t sell food in the park besides in the zoo) and then we went back to town.

After strolling a bit downtown we went to see Hana from St. Olaf because she I having her internship in Portland this summer and wanted to meet us before we left. We took the bus over to Hawthorne where she lives and went to a Mexican restaurant to eat and drink. I had the trips first Mojito :) Then we went to a movie theatre that sold alcohol and saw Spring Breakers….can’t decide what I think of that movie…but it was a fun experience at the theatre: drinking wine and beer and the bar open most of the time during the movie. Some movie theatres in Portland even have comfy sofas and bar IN the theatre room! We finished off our night in bed with red wine and looking at today’s pictures.

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