tirsdag 4. juni 2013

Interrail American Style - Day 8

Before we left Portland we were able to go to another place people say you should do in Portland: Voodoo Doughnuts. They can make the craziest doughnuts (with bacon!) but Martin only got one with Oreo. After we had been there we had to rush back to our hotel to get our luggage and then rush down to the train station. We arrived 15-20 min before the train was scheduled to leave but the ticked lady was slow and messed something up on her computer. By the time we got our tickets and wanted to check in it was only five min left and the lady in the check-in was pretty grumpy about our lateness. She therefore said that she thought our luggage looked like too much and to heavy and wanted our luggage to be checked in, but this is something you have to do half an hour before the train leaves. I told her that we had traveled all the way from Minnesota, that we only had the allowed two suitcases and that this had never been a problem, but she kept on mumbling grumpily. Afraid of losing our train I just walked out on the platform, got to our car and dragged my suitcases on board. Well away from the station we exhaled heavily and it was all good (with a southern accent). Then I saw that our car conductor was the grumpy lady from check-in…….. San Francisco, here we come!

PS: we had dinner in the dinner car since it was our last train ride :) We were joined by a nice, old couple and they decided to pay for our dinner! Very grateful and very happy!

1 kommentar:

  1. Dere skulle smakt den med Bacon. Den vil jeg smake på vaffal!
