fredag 23. november 2012


Thanksgiving was yesterday and me and Martin was invited by one of the professors at St. Olaf, Dan Dressen. We went to his sisters house and had a lovely dinner and evening with his family. After that we went back to campus and had a quiet night in and watched movies. Nice to finally have some peace and quiet here :)

Dan and his two siblings making food

Today we are going to Minneapolis with some friends from campus to do some clubing (yey), and we might even find some sushi tomorrow for breakfast! 
PS: for those of you that haven't heard yet: we are coming home for Christmas :)
See yah

1 kommentar:

  1. Hei Irene, det er artig å lese hva du skriver. Jeg skjønner at dere kommer hjem til jul!
    Skriver mer siden ... Hilsen farmor
