fredag 23. november 2012

Election day

As you might noticed there was an election over here not too long ago. There were two amandments here that you could vote for in addition to voting for a president. One of them was about using ID when you go vote, the other one was about limiting gay peoples right to marry. The night resulted in electing Barack Obama (no news there, I guess) and "No" to limit freedom (...) and "No" to voter ID.

All in all it was a great Tuesday night with good friends :)

Martin telling people to vote "No"

Go Ohio!


Gello shots for Obama

Other than that it has been a quiet, homework filled month, with not much else to report. There are however some pictures ;)

 Rehersing for our Norwegian Christmas Choir

Yasushi eating some gross combination in the caf

 A typical mouse pad at St. Olaf

Inga when watching a movie

 Doing my laundry

 Homemade breakfast: tomato, avocado (with olive oil, salt, pepper) and brie

International Food Night (Norwegian house, served waffels with brown cheese)

International Food Night (Spanish house, Indonesian food)

Cosy evening in front of the fireplace in Fireside

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