onsdag 24. oktober 2012


Ok, so as you probably have noticed I have had a lot to do the past weeks and have not been able to update my blog (to many peoples frustration ^^) My typical day is filled with school, homework, eating, homework, and other necessary activities like laundry, homework, shopping food, homework, going to meetings, homework etc.

I enjoy my classes in general and I think I will use a lot of what I learn when I become a teacher. I've tried to apply for money back home, but haven't gotten an answer yet (sorry dad). I'm soon sending information about my classes to my school back home to see if they will approve of what I'm doing here (I hope so!) 

This blog post is going to take care of some questions from you guys back home, and some events/situations I want to tell you.

Dad asked me:

What do you eat?
We eat food from the caf, and we got a lot to choose from. There's pizza, pasta, salad, mexican, asian, toasts, soop, bread etc. I don't like that much of what we are offered, but there's a home line here where you can get different types of food every meal and they usually have something I want. There's also another line that usually offer vegetarian food that I sometimes get. If not, I'll eat a salad or some bread with guacamole. I haven't had that much appetite since I came here, and it's hard for me to know if I'm hungry or full because of this. I try to eat what I think I should eat, we'll see if I get any better ;)

How does it look like where you live?
I live in Mellby which is a nice building on campus. This means that I live close to everything, which is nice. Mellby is a very old building and our rooms are very nice and old-ish (I think). Now, since I love interior and stuff, there's a lot I want to change but I can't :) We have a nice lounge with a piano, comfortable old chairs and a fireplace. I just love sitting there, reading. We also got a TV lounge where we usually watch a movie or a presidental debate ;) I'm a really old fashioned house wife when it comes to laundry, because my favourite room in Mellby is our laundry room. I love washing, drying and folding clothes!!! As for my room, I can post a picture later of how my side of the room looks like ;)

Tell me about your new friends
I have met a lot of people here, at first it was mainly the other international students. Of these, me and Martin often hang out/eat with Inga (Norwegian), Yasushi (Japaneese), Diana (Costa Rican), Benjamin (French), Megumi (Japaneese), Mario (German), and Susy (English)(I hope I didn't forget anyone). In addition to them  we are also friends with Toby (Norwegian), friends of Toby's, friends of Susy's etc. I can't really mention them all together here, because there's too many. We do not hang out as much though, there's not really time for it either :)

Is it still summer?
Not now, but when you asked it was. It has been a little bit on and off, some really cold and some really warm (too warm if you ask me). Right now the leaves has pretty much fallen of the trees and we have been having some rain lately. It's still warm in the air, and people say it doesn't usually get colder until late november.

Are your proffessors nice?
Yes, they are. I don't have any issues or problems with my professors, they're nice and some even great! :)

What subjects do you take?
I've mentioned this earlier, but I can say it again ;) I'm taking "Luther and Aquinas," "Ethics, the good life," "Christian ethics, life and death," "Intro Feminist Theology," and "Individual fitness." The last class is for workout and I didn't have to take it. It keeps me active and in shape (I wish to think).

How much is it for beer?
I don't really know, because I havent baught any yet. But it seems like it's cheaper than in Norway. I usually drink wine to aprox. 4 $.

Are people shocked of the fact that you have lived with your boyfriend for two years?
Well, I haven't talked to a lot of people about it, but yes, naturally people are suprised by it. Me and Martin are managing better than I thought we would, we usually sleep together at weekends, and sometimes during the week as well. Both our roommates have said that it's OK :)

And now over to something completely different. I wanted to tell you guys about stuff here on campus and in town:
  • We have a really nice coffee shop in town called Blue Monday, and I really want to go there and study. Unfortunately we have only been able to go there once, but we'll definitely go there more often.
  • We have a "cinema" on campus that shows movies every weekend, some new and some a bit older. This weekend they showed "The Artist". 
  • If somebody stumbles and loose their food tray on the floor in the caf, the caf explode in applause and cheering. I hope this never happen to me :P
  • There's almost never fish in the caf, because we are in the midwest. This means that it's expensive to buy fish, and the caf has it maybe once or twice a month. I should really get some omega-3 tablets soon...
  • It's hard to find good water here for a Norwegian. Only in the caf and the cage (place where we can buy food and coffee and stuff).
  • When we party we usually go to a house party somewhere near campus or we go to town. On (thirsy) Thursday's we go to Froggie's and we've also been to a place called "The (Contagioned) Cow" Both these places we get free popcorn :) 
  • I really want to go around in Northfield to check out the stores and restaurants/cafes, so when I get time (which I never will.........)
  • We went on a canoe trip for fall break and it was a lot of fun. I will post more on this trip in addition to some pictures. If you want to see all my pictures from the trip, check my facebook :)
  • I usually sit in the library everyday doing homework. I think this is the place where I spend most of my time. If I'm not there doing homework, I'll probably be in the fireside (a cosy lounge with a fireplace and comfy chairs), the cage, my room, outside (maybe not so much anymore) or in the Mellby lounge.
OK, so my brain just said stop. It's midnight and I really have to go to bed. Good thing I got to share something with you. If I have the time soon, I will also add more stuff from campus life (if I can come up with something) and also add a post on our fall break canoe trip :) I'm sorry if this post was too dry and picture-less, but I had to post something because people have been mad...at poor homework-doing Irene...

Good night <3

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