tirsdag 4. juni 2013

Interrail American Style - Day 10

On our second day we wanted to check out the Modern Art Museum. We had to do this as soon as possible because the museum is closing for three years. To celebrate the renewal of the museum they had events and happenings in the museum for four days and the last day it was open 24 hours AND the tickets were free! We saw many great things but it was very crowded as you can imagine. After the museum we went to get lunch in the Mission area, more like the Valencia Street. This is kind of a hipster area. Then Ben came to meet us and we looked at some graffiti walls before we sat down at a cheese place and had cheese, liver pâté and drinks. Then Martin and I wanted to go to the movies and watch Iron Man 3 while Ben went home to reload for his first day at his internship.

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