fredag 24. mai 2013

Update on past events at St. Olaf

So time flew by and several events have happened. I have gotten some pictures from some of them, and I feel bad about not being able to go into detail about all the fun stuff that has been going on lately. Here's at least a little taste of my last time at St. Olaf.

First there was something called "the President's Ball" and we thought it sounded like a fun event. Everybody    dressed up (REALLY dressed up) and went to the ball where they offered ballroom dance music and dancing. They also served some food there. All inn all the place was crowded, hot and we didn't dance too much, so after a little while we just went somewhere else to party a bit :) Here are some pictures taken at the ball by various people.

Then there also were an International Student Banquet where all the leaving international students recieved some kind of seremonial  dinner with a goodbye gift. Here are some pictures from the banquet.

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