tirsdag 11. desember 2012

Winter, almost break

This will probably be my last entry from St. Olaf this year. I have had a great first semester, learned a lot, met many great people and experienced so many new things. I am looking forward to coming home to Norway, only a week left now. Tomorrow starts preparation for finals, it's gonna be a long and stressful week...

When we get back to the U.S. we are bringing a friend (Sergej) from Norway, and we are going to celebrate New Years Eve in Minneapolis :) At St. Olaf January means J-term or Interim, which is kind of a small semester between 1st and 2nd semester. You get to choose one course for Interim and this is all you do the entire month. I have chosen a class called "Enviromental ethics" and I really look forward to that!

Anyway, winter finally arrived at St. Olaf and we had -20 degrees celsius yesterday....brrr. Recently, in addition to homework and finals, we have visited Naomi's (my roommate) house to do some baking. We have also attended something called the Winter Walk, which is a cosy event in downtown Northfield. They keep stores open late and have sleigh rides (both horse and deer). The Norwegian Department at St. Olaf hosts a Norwegian Christmas Service every year and students get the opportunity to join a choir and sing Norwegian christmas songs. We joined this choir, and a lot of us Norwegian girls wore our bunad.

Here are some pictures from these recent events:

From the Norwegian Christmas Service

All the girls in bunad

 A little taste of the St. Olaf christmas decoration

Martin got me a rose for Friday Flowers <3 

Martin and I trying hats during the Winter Walk

We meat a green gorilla....christmassy?

 That's more like it

St. Olaf dressed in snow

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