mandag 3. september 2012

St. Olaf campus

St. Olaf's campus is a lovely place, with a lot of trees, flowers and beautiful buildings. One of the last days of our International Student Orientation, I got some time to walk around campus with Inga (another girl from Norway), and we took a lot of pictures (if you want to check out her blog as well, it's Here are some of the results of our paparazzi trip around campus.

Martin opening his mailbox:

Here's my mailbox:

One of the sitting areas inside:

With a cosy fireplace:

Outside walking with Martin and Inga, welcome signs for the freshmen:

Martin and our windmill, supplying up to one-third of the electricity used by the college:

Down at the Skoglund Center, where we go to work out:

A beautiful installation in the middle of campus, playing beautiful music in the wind:

Some of many chairs around campus, mostly made of old trees from campus:

Inside one of the many buildings on campus, everything new and modern:

A lot of sun, everyday:

One of the most beautiful buildings on campus, Holland Hall:

Another beautiful building, Old Main, newly renovated:

Buntrock Commons, a building where a lot of things happends, here the Stav Hall (where we eat):

Inside Buntrock Commons, looking down at the Square:

Down at the Square, looking up:

The "Hi mom camera", live "broadcast" from campus 24/7:

The Pause, where we hang out in our spare time:

 The church on campus:

Inside the church, a bit dark, but a great opportunity to see the glass paintings:

Inga taking pictures of our dorm:

At some point somebody brought a souvenir from Norway to our living room:

The rest of our living room (with a fireplace!!):

Our TV lounge:

This is a typical example of the St. Olaf honor code: you can leave just about everything on campus, and it doesn't get stolen (it has happend a few times). The professors also walk out of the classroom during a test or an exam, and the students are expected to respect the honor code and not cheat:

Inside the cafeteria:

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