tirsdag 4. juni 2013

Interrail American Style - Day 9

When we woke up the next morning we were in California. A strange feeling! We had to take a bus to get to the city and we knew the walk over to our hotel would not be too long. We had read some reviews about the hotel before we came, so we knew that there would be a lot of homeless people in that area and that people thought it was a bad location. We thought that homeless people are harmless and walked into homeless land with two suitcases each and a map…good idea. Fortunately we were only stopped once and pretty much left alone, but we hear later on that this street hosts other than just homeless people…so we have decided to take a cab home every night :)

After we had settled at the hotel we went to meet Ben from St. Olaf. He is living in San Francisco this summer because he has an internship here. We met and had lunch before strolling around the city to Dolores Park, Castro, Corona Height and Haight Ashbury. After this we stopped by Ben’s apartment to have a look and then we bought drinks and went to Golden Gate Park to drink a little. We went to a sushi place for dinner and then went back to Ben’s apartment to watch a movie.

We took a cab home…

Dolores Park

"Grease" sing-a-long :)

Famous cookie place

Harvey Milk's camera shop

Corona Height (w/ Ben)

Golden Gate Park

1 kommentar:

  1. Reiser dere sammen med noen eller hvem er han med rødt hår?
