mandag 7. januar 2013

Christmas workshop

Before Christmas Inga and I had a Christmas workshop where we made caramels to people. It took a whole day to finish: shopping, walking, cooking, gift wrapping and distribution. Here are some pictures from that very relaxing and fun day, right before the last exams (after for Inga).

 Inga and me, outside a store in Northfield. Got a Norwegian chocolate of the lady that worked in the store when she heard we were Norwegian :)

Inga waiting for the bus in the freezing weather.

Me making caramels, a little untraditional method but hey, they turned out good!

The caramels.

 The cards.

Gift wrapping in Mellby lounge.

 A lot of work, phew.

Inga doing the finishing touches.

 And last but not least: distribute to all the lovely St. Olaf mailboxes.

Come and get :)

Ingrid got hers...

...and Diana.

We also went to a Japaneese restaurant around those days, here's a picture:

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