mandag 7. januar 2013

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas with Martin's family in a rural place called Steinsåsen. As the pictures show in my previous post we had great weather and beautiful surroundings. We ate the traditional Norwegian Christmas dish called "ribbe" which is pork meat from the pigs ribs. Christmas always begins with watching the usual TV shows/films, especially the famous Czech film about Cinderella (Three Nuts for Cinderella). Here are some pictures from our Norwegian Christmas.

Three Nuts for Cinderella.

Martin's sister Maria with cheese and jam from Italy, Holland and Norway....yummm!

 One of the family's Christmas traditions: The Christmas Village.

 From the dining table, looking at the living room.

 Martin's mother and grandmother talking.



 Martin and Maria by the Christmas tree.

 Walking around the Christmas tree, singing Christmas carols.

 Slow motion walking around the Christmas tree :)

Real burning candels on the tree.

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