mandag 3. september 2012

Recent events

I've managed to take some pictures at some events.

Here's the school bus we used to get to Wells Fargo (to get a bank account) and Target (to shop things):

At Wells Fargo, they had activities ready for the long wait:

Down at the Contented Cow downtown Northfield, drinking local beer:

At a party, playing beer pong:

The Contented Cow; Martin, Benjamin, Katrina, Yasushi, Mario, Nelson, Inga and Diana:

Nelson and Benjamin:

Martin, Mario and Katrina:

Katrina, Inga and Nelson, Inga's a ghost:

Nelson in the basement of the French house, showing the TV remote:

Toby (Norwegian) and a friend came along:

The playfair, really crazy and a lot of fun:

Welcoming ceremony:

Martin, Benjamin and Mario:

Katrina, Toby, Inga, Burcu and Megumi:

Inga, Burcu, Megumi and me:

And last but not least, playing volleyball:

Susy serving:

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