mandag 3. september 2012

International Student Orientation

Our first week here has been really busy, and we haven't had time to talk to our loved ones <3. So then I decided to make this blog, so that everyone can read and see what we're doing. I haven't been able to drag my camera with me at all times, so I haven't covered all events. But here's a litte taste of what we've been up to lately.

When we arrived we were welcomed by my roommate Naomi and her mom, and they brought us to the International House of Pancakes (IHOP), we had a great time. Then they took us to St. Olaf and to my dorm Mellby on campus. This is what Mellby looks like outside in the dark:

and this is the door to my room:

Unforunately I have to share bathroom this year, but so far it has been nice:

We've been around campus learning about the different offices and where to find what. There's been a lot of information at the same time, but I think I've got a pretty good picture of how things work around here. There's a lot of resources here if you need help with anything; writing, academic advising, counseling of different kinds etc. There's always someone around to help you or answear your questions, and they've taken good care of us international students :)

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