onsdag 5. juni 2013

Interrail American Style - Day 12 (last day)

On our fourth and  last day in San Francisco we went on a new cable car trip because Martin forgot his ticket the previous day and had to pay $6 to get on for one ride yesterday. We therefore went on more cable car riding today. We went to Washington Park and to Mama's to have breakfast (at 1 p.m.!) and we stood in line for about an hour. This was because this place is known to be the best breakfast place in San Francisco! It was amazing and worth the wait :) And we were stupid to go so late anyway :P 

After that we went down to Fisherman's Wharf and I had my first  oyster in my life. Eventually we went back to our hotel to pack our stuff and get ready for the next day. We went out to meet Ben and to have dinner, and had some drinks afterwards.

All in all it has been a great vacation and we are both happy and sad to go home. We are sad to be leaving all our friends behind, but it is going to be nice to see our familiy and friends in Norway again. And I've ordered salmon and other kinds of seafood for my first dinner at home :)

Thank you for everything 'murica...and here I come Norway <3 

This is my last entry as an American student and as "St. Olaf for a year". My year has been great and the blog is going to remain a place for me and my friends to come back to and look at for memories and good times. Peace out <3
Bye blog, I hate to blog, but you've been great :)

tirsdag 4. juni 2013

Interrail American Style - Day 11

On our third day we wanted to check out the old fashioned cable car that used to take San Franciscan citizens up and down the hills. We went with this to the Italian district and had lunch there. Then we rented bikes and biked over to and over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was very windy and we looked soooo cool with our helmets. After this we checked out the part of Lombard Street that curls down the hill, before we went downtown to do a little shopping. Then we went back to the Italian district again and had an amazing dinner.


Interrail American Style - Day 10

On our second day we wanted to check out the Modern Art Museum. We had to do this as soon as possible because the museum is closing for three years. To celebrate the renewal of the museum they had events and happenings in the museum for four days and the last day it was open 24 hours AND the tickets were free! We saw many great things but it was very crowded as you can imagine. After the museum we went to get lunch in the Mission area, more like the Valencia Street. This is kind of a hipster area. Then Ben came to meet us and we looked at some graffiti walls before we sat down at a cheese place and had cheese, liver pâté and drinks. Then Martin and I wanted to go to the movies and watch Iron Man 3 while Ben went home to reload for his first day at his internship.

Interrail American Style - Day 9

When we woke up the next morning we were in California. A strange feeling! We had to take a bus to get to the city and we knew the walk over to our hotel would not be too long. We had read some reviews about the hotel before we came, so we knew that there would be a lot of homeless people in that area and that people thought it was a bad location. We thought that homeless people are harmless and walked into homeless land with two suitcases each and a map…good idea. Fortunately we were only stopped once and pretty much left alone, but we hear later on that this street hosts other than just homeless people…so we have decided to take a cab home every night :)

After we had settled at the hotel we went to meet Ben from St. Olaf. He is living in San Francisco this summer because he has an internship here. We met and had lunch before strolling around the city to Dolores Park, Castro, Corona Height and Haight Ashbury. After this we stopped by Ben’s apartment to have a look and then we bought drinks and went to Golden Gate Park to drink a little. We went to a sushi place for dinner and then went back to Ben’s apartment to watch a movie.

We took a cab home…

Dolores Park

"Grease" sing-a-long :)

Famous cookie place

Harvey Milk's camera shop

Corona Height (w/ Ben)

Golden Gate Park